Game 12: Asteroids


Let me take you on a journey.  It's a short journey, I know you haven't got all day.  A journey to a world where lines ruled...
The year was 1979, and computers could only be made to draw two things: one was a line, and the other was also a line.  With clever arrangement, both these lines could be transformed into spaceships and big rocks and flying saucers.  And so, thanks to the line pioneers at Atari, we were blessed with the line-tastic Asteroids.
Your spaceship floats in space and you have to destroy all the asteroids, but the more you shoot the more you create.  Watch out for the UFOs which can shoot back, and be careful: you only have one ship for every 10,000 points scored.

Use the arrow keys to move         Pause game – P
Fire missile – space key               Quit game – Q
Hyperspace – ctrl or shift key       Mute sound – M